



We specialize in manufacturing water chiller, dehumidifier, mould temperature controller, portable air conditioner, panel cooler, etc, for over 20 years. We are able to manufacture machines according to our customers’ requirements. We do our best to provide high quality machines that meet our customers’ expectation. The excellent quality of our products and services had been assessed and certified by The British Assessment Bureau.


Sam Chin Plastic Machinery Sdn Bhd (“Sam Chin”) was formed in 1994 to deal in Industrial Water Chiller, Mould Temperature Controller, Auto-Loader, Color Mixer, Hopper Dryer, Granulators, Plastic Injection Machines, etc. obtained from Taiwan and Hong Kong manufacturers.


Sam Chin decided to manufacture our own products. As a result, SCP Automation (M) Sdn Bhd was formed in the same year. The first series of product launched was SCP Industrial Water Chillers and SCP Mould Temperature Controllers.


Our Multi-compressors Type Industrial Water Chillers which use two or more compressors to perform the cooling function and have the abilities to maintain the Temperature Accuracy of + -1ºC were introduced to the Malaysia market.

YEAR 2000 TO 2009

We continue to expand our production to include:

▪Liquid Cooler for all industries which require process-cooling

▪Chillers for the Semi-conductor industry that have the Temperature Accuracy within +-0.5 ºC and the centralize control function (control a maximum of 32 units of chillers by 1 computer)

▪Chillers which have the Temperature Accuracy within +- 0.2 ºC and are designed for the Laser industry

▪Chillers that can achieve -30 ºC

▪Cooling Bath for lab application

▪Aquarium Chillers with titanium tube specially designed for fish farm, ponds and lab application

▪Room Dehumidifiers

▪Refrigerated Air Coolers that supply cooled and dry air with temperature to as low as 5ºC

▪Mould Temperature Controller that can heat up to 300ºC


▪Industrial Chilled Water Dispenser that can supply chilled water with temperature to as low as 3ºC in 9-11 minutes

▪Panel Cooler that can maintain the control box or switchgear at 20-25ºC

▪Heavy Duty Dehumidifier for low temperature drying.

We also designed the Centralized Chilling System and Centralized Material Loading System based on customer’s requirements.

Today, our machines and system are supplied to various industries:

▪Cooling Moulds: injection moulding, blow moulding and extrusion

▪Food Processing

▪Machinery using Hydraulic oil, lubricating oil or other processing oil

▪Air pressure spot welder

▪Laser cutting, DI water application


▪CNC Industries: CNC machining center, CNC electrical discharge machine, CNC grinder, CNC lather

▪Laboratory applications

▪Semi-Conductor industry



Website Website http://scp.com.my
Minisite Minisite http://www.chillers.my
+60 378450129
[email protected]
+60 378450139

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