Lutron AM-4233SD Anemometer/Air Flow + type K/J temp., SD Card
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\nSD Card real time data recorder\nAir flow ( CMM. CFM ), \nMini vane\nANEMOMETER, + type K/J Temp.\nModel : AM-4233SD\n* Mini vane with 35mm Dia., lowfriction ball bearing mounted wheel design provides high accuracy at high and low air velocity.\n* Telescope probe, extension length 620 mm max.\n* Replacement anemometer van set.\n* Real time data logger, save the data into the SD memory card and can be downloaded to the Excel, extra software is no need.\n* Air velocity/Temp. measurement, professional.\n* 0.4 to 20.0 m/s, ft/min., km/h. knots, mile/h.\n* Air flow : CMM, CFM.\n* Low friction ball-bearing vane.\n* Separate probe, high reliability.\n* Type K Thermometer : -100 to 1300 °C, °C/°F.\n* Type J Thermometer : -100 to 1200 °C, .°C/°F.\n* Data hold, Record ( Max., Min. ).\n* RS232/USB computer interface.\n* Patented.\n\n
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