Chinese Furniture Repair & Restoration
Whether it's fixing some scratches or broken pieces, giving a fresh coat of shellac & lacquer, or complete restoration of a valued set of wood furniture — we have been satisfying customers for decades.
Yes, we specialise in the traditional craft of using SHELLAC & lacquer — often considered the best protection for fine Chinese furniture. It is also is a vanishing skill because it is time consuming, requiring years to master, and some talent. Few in Singapore have the know-how and dedication to doing it anymore. WE DO. And we will try our best to keep doing so as long as we can, for Singapore.
There is no wonder that the most knowledgeable and understanding customers, furniture connoiseurs, regular customers only think of us when their furniture needs repair. Please note that repair & restoration jobs as subject to mutual agreement.
Price ranges from $60 for minor repairs to thousands for a major restoration. We will first access and then provide a quotation. Thank you.
Delivery: Not included, but can be arranged.
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