Website Design
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Why own a company website ? 为什么需要公司网站 ?
As for you, your website can help you generate business,increase brand recall value, promote goodwill in front of customers and target audience, as well as deliver strong marketing messages. Think of it this way, your website delivers your marketing message 24 hours, 365 days in a year!
Starting own your company website from RM699.00 onwards, comes with 4 pages. As Below
开始拥有您的公司网站,只需RM699.00 起,附带4页如下
1. Home Page 主页
2. Contact Us 联系页
3. Produts (6 Products) 产品页
4. About Us 关于我们页
Sample website done by us.
1. https://www.bersatuengineering.com.my/
2. https://www.keep.com.my/page
3. https://www.bulmal-motortech.com
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