SMEs can tap funds for digital marketing with expansion of Productivity Solutions Grant in Singapore
SINGAPORE - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will get more help to build their online presence as the Covid-19 pandemic accelerates the shift towards all things digital, said Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and Culture, Community and Youth, on Thursday (Sept 23).
The Productivity Solutions Grant - which defrays up to 80 per cent of the cost of funding digital solutions - will be expanded from October to include digital marketing solutions.

"SMEs can tap this grant to develop their digital marketing strategy, create content, and execute digital marketing campaigns to support or boost their business. They can also use it to build an online customer base and attract more traffic to their brick-and-mortar stores," said Ms Low at the annual SME Centre Conference, which was held virtually this year.
She added that going digital allows SMEs to capture new growth opportunities and markets, and be more efficient. Businesses can make an appointment with advisers at any of Singapore's 12 SME Centres for more details about the enhanced grant.
SME Centres - set up by Enterprise Singapore and five trade associations and chambers - offer help such as one-to-one business diagnosis and advisory services, capability workshops, and group-based upgrading projects.
These centres have helped more than 20,000 enterprises so far this year and will be further enhanced to support SMEs' needs, said Ms Low.
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