Who requires fire safety plan approval and submission to SCDF?

Plan Approval
Who require plan approval?
Any person who wishes to commence or carry out any proposed fire safety works in any building shall apply in accordance with the Regulations made under the Fire Safety Act to the Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD) for approval of the plans of the fire safety works. Such plans shall be prepared and submitted by Qualified Persons (QPs) who are registered architects or professional engineers.
Who are qualified for submission of plans?
Click on the following links for the list of Registered Architects (RA) and Professional Engineers (PE):
For a complete solution of Fire Safety Equipment, Planning and Installation, do contact us for a consultation. We also provide Fire Safety Submission to JTC and HDB.
QPs with the discipline relevant to the kind of work involved is qualified for making plan submission. For more information, please visit SCDF website